2024 Giveaway

In the September 2024 order window, I’m introducing several of my own newly-bred cultivars for the first time. They’re in very limited supply, so to help everyone get a chance I’m running a giveaway!

The prize will be one fresh cutting, from your choice out of the new cultivars:

The giveaway will run throughout the order window, from the morning of 1st September until the morning of 1st October. There are two ways to enter:

  1. Place an order in the shop.


  1. Share the giveaway post/image on social media, AND fill in your email address and social post in this entry form.

The share can be either a repost of the image above, or a direct share of my original post on facebook or mastodon. It can be on any platform, but it needs to be a public post that I can see when I check at the end of the giveaway, and without needing to log in or follow you. (That means no twitter posts and no instagram stories, sorry! Facebook shares, instagram posts, tiktok, bluesky, threads, and blogs are all fine as long as it’s not a private post.)

There’s one entry per email address, and both types of entry are treated equally. Sharing repeatedly, or filling in the form if you’ve already placed an order, won’t make a difference to your chances.

When the giveaway ends, I’ll draw a random entrant to be the winner straight away on the 1st October. I’ll check that they shared the post if required, then email them. If you win, you’ll have 48 hours to respond or I’ll draw someone else.

If you’re in the UK

You’ll just need to tell me which cultivar you want, and confirm your delivery address. I’ll send your prize out within a week or two.

If you’re outside the UK, and you placed an order

You’ll just need to tell me which cultivar you want, and confirm your order number. I’ll add your prize to your existing order and it will be sent out with the other exports on 9th October.

If you’re outside the UK, and you didn’t place an order

You’ll need to tell me which cultivar you want, and confirm your delivery address. You’ll also need to pay £60 for shipping and phytosanitary fees. (I don’t make any profit from this, it’s only to cover the cost of getting your prize to you safely and legally). Your prize will be sent out with the other international orders on 9th October.